Sunday, November 05, 2006

Being cuddly and cute

Time for some beauty sleep.....

Pub lunch in the country

Almost 8 weeks old

7 weeks old

Noah going to gym-7 weeks

7 weeks old

Noah Daniel Joubert born Tuesday 12 September 06,11:15am

Driving home from the hospital - 1 day old!

I've heard Mommy and Daddy say that this is when I'm the cutest! Sleeping? I wonder why...

My 1st trip into central London while Mommy was at lectures all day....whew,what a long day! (and I'm only 4 weeks old!)

My 1 Month Birthday!!
I smiled for the 1st time at 4 weeks!! It wasn't a wind, it was for my mummy when I woke up on Friday, the 13th - just a day after my 1 month birthday. I have smiled ever since, many times each day!

Granny and Papoe (if you're wondering the same as I did, it actually means Grandad in Greek and not something else....

3 days old

2 Days old

5 days old

Noah just a few minutes old

Born: Malden Suite, Kingston Hospital, London
Date: Tuesday, 12th September 2006
Time: 11:15am

Noah's story:

Mommy's waters broke at 10:30pm Monday 11th September. She had the waterbirth she hoped for but I heard her say "never again!" Maybe she just needs time to forget... I didn't cry when I was brought out from under the water. I just moaned a bit and slept a lot. I weighed a whopping 8lb1oz (3.66kg's) and was 54cm tall. My agpar score was 9 out of 10 so I think I did pretty well that day! The midwives kept saying how strong I was in my arms and legs - it's because they kept prodding, measuring and weighing me and I was fighting with all my might! Daddy was there for the entire part of labour supporting and cheering us on and taking photos. He very proudly gave Mommy the happy news, "it's a boy!" He cut the umbilical cord too and stayed with Mommy until it was time to go home and left the 2 of us overnight in the hospital. We came home the following morning after more tests and prodding and I got the chance to finally meet Kitty whom I'd heard so much about! I was worried about getting less attention than her but I now feel sorry for her as I always seem to be the centre of attention. I've noticed dark rings around Daddy's eyes and quite a lot of grey hairs on Mommy but I reckon it has to do with being much older than I am and not because of me. I'm now off to eat and sleep again.....what a hard life!